- Control: Private
- Carnegie Classification: Research
- Institution: 4 Year
- Enrollment: 3,000-9,999
2020 Recognition Categories
- Facilities, Workspace & Security
- Professional/Career Development
- Tenure Clarity & Process (Faculty Only)
What makes your college a great place to work?
Presidential Statement
There is a family spirit at Gannon University that is readily experienced. Gannon has launched priority programs focused on student enrollment, retention, engagement, and a particular focused effort in employee engagement WIG Fully Engaged to develop every member of the Gannon team around a common purpose and service standards. It is visible in the way that we all support, encourage and stand by one another, and is found in our employee's dedication to enriching the academic and co-curricular experience for our students. As examples of our Mission and Catholic Identity, it is our Gannon family members who are transforming lives and making Gannon a great place to work every day.
Employee Comment
I appreciate the move toward greater employee flexibility and overall desire, including from senior administration, to continually improve Gannon and not rest on our laurels.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 84
- Fulltime Eps: 156
- Fulltime Faculty: 239
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 149
- Adjunct Count: 134
- Faculty: 77911
- Administration: 82104
- Exempt Professional Staff: 46096
- Non-exempt Staff: 30257
Average Annual Salary
- Full-time Faculty: 4%
- Full-time Staff (excluding Faculty): 14%
Voluntary Turnover Rate
- 3 Years Recognized